Is Your Fitness Functional?

Post WOD cool down included a home defense circuit with@jesseblauer  @hawkctp & @nltsirt Pistol.

Whenever possible, add some intelligent scenario work to your training. Keep it realistic, relevant and rigorous.  And don't confuse "possible with probable"!! Always focus on what's probably going to happen. Take care of that first. Intelligent scenario work trains your brain, this stimulates your reticular cortex which will help with your situational awareness.

Jess had to move from a simulated sleep position, grab gun, engage, get up, move around the box jump pads and continue to engage with pistol, threat is still active, and close--kick the target to create space, reload and re-engage. 

Hope to see some of you at our summer camp.

Yours in safety!

Coach B

 #choosesafety#beyourownbodyguard #spearsystem