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Mr. Blauer’s most important work is on the topic of fear.

Fear affects all of us.

Public speaking, relationships, business, leadership, or managing violence.

Fear of fear changes how we think and move…

Mismanaged fear impacts performance in every area of our life.

Psychologist Jeff DeTeso says:

Tony Blauer's research on fear management has proven more effective for some of my clients than any of the material I have learned in 20 years of practicing psychology.”

Coach Blauer has created an undeniably simple and effective way to help manage fear.


Coach Tony Blauer is a world-renowned self-defense & fear management expert and has been a visible force in the martial art, self-defense, defensive tactics, and combatives industry for over four decades.

As the CEO of Blauer Tactical Systems, his organization has grown into one of the world's leading consulting companies specializing in the research and development of performance psychology, personal safety, and close-quarter tactics & scenario-based training for defensive tactics, combatives, and professional self-defense instructors.

  • He is best known for developing the world’s first self-defense system based on the sciences of psychology and physiology - called The SPEAR System® as well as the world’s first dynamic scenario-training equipment called HIGH GEAR®.

Blauer’s training systems and equipment are used by the military, law enforcement, martial artists, and citizens around the world. 

Coach Blauer's performance psychology programs also help leaders, entrepreneurs, and families develop the mental and physical resilience needed to succeed, including navigating volatile business environments and handling physical threats. 

This one-of-a-kind fear management program called KNOW FEAR® is used by thousands around the world. The program has also been integrated by psychologists helping Vets to deal with PTSD. 

Read Mr. Blauer’s full bio here


I can’t think of any other guest who has the ability to literally help you save your own life just by you listening to their recorded conversation.
— Andy Petranek, Host Whole Life Challenge


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“Hearing Tony present is like listening to a philosophy professor, a neuroscientist, and a world champion combat athlete explain the secrets of the universe.
Tony is a coach in the purest sense of the word. It is obvious that he lives to add value, be useful, and serve. He managed to exceed the already high expectations that I had going into working with him.

Tony challenged my beliefs and mindsets and served as an expert guide, lighting the path to becoming a better martial artist, and more importantly, a better human being.

Working with Tony is an experience you’ll look back on and wish you had done sooner. He receives my highest recommendation.”
— AJ Madden, Professional Coach For Business Owners and Executives