SPEAR System®: Instructor Certification


The SPEAR System® Instructor Course is carefully designed to help officers and their agencies handle the problems they face in today's highly charged environment. By integrating simple, safe, natural biomechanics, graduates and those they train become safer sooner.  Participants will learn a defensive tactics system based on how we all naturally move and react to danger. This system provides a unique capacity to enhance the safety of both the officer and the subject.  The primary program focus is on making officers and the agencies they serve safer from the call through the courtroom.

The course includes lectures, written materials, physical skills development, and drills. Upon completion of the training the student should understand and/or correctly perform:

Startle/Flinch Conversion Theory, Counter Ambush Policy Development, Close Quarter Tactics, Full SOP/ROE Trainer Development program assists DT Instructors in adding extreme close quarter tactics to their agency Use Of Force model. Use of Force applications enhanced expert witness components. This course is open to all law enforcement, military, and first responders. 

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SPEAR System®: Evidence-Based Scenario TrainER®

(SPEAR PRO Division)

The Evidence-Based Scenario Trainer® course helps individuals and trainers engage in safer, more realistic training scenarios. Based on the SPEAR System®, the only methodology to incorporate the sciences of neurobiology, kinesiology, and psychology, the program reverse-engineers confrontations from actual events by integrating CCTV, dashboard video, and bodycam. The use of real events and real science helps participants learn faster, while also developing a deeper understanding of how the human mind & body move during sudden aggression, which improves confidence.

The final phase of any complete training program is to inject realistic and responsible scenario training. It's the only way to test competence and confidence. Our scenario training formula and method have been integrated into the highest levels within the military and law enforcement communities as well as modern self-defense experts.

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SPEAR System®: Applications for Control & Arrest

Statistically, sudden violence erupts when police officers penetrate the 'reactionary gap'. These attacks are at close range, the violence is sudden and often catches the officer off-guard and triggers a startle-flinch, making the SPEAR System® a critical component to the officers’ survival skill set. While most conventional DT systems are built around an ‘arrest and control’ model, where attendees are taught to focus on complex motor skills and handcuffing, we have reversed the logic. Arresting someone you don’t have control of yet is when most attacks occur. Our improved training methodology is reflected in the name of our course: CONTROL & ARREST.

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This program contains the “BEST OF” the Blauer Tactical programs. It combines crucial elements to enhance officer safety & confidence during dangerous confrontations. Course Covers: mindset & fear management training, improving verbal tactics, non-violent postures and de-escalation strategies, counter ambush tools, the SPEAR System® fundamentals, the simplest weapon retention tactic possible, ground fighting, and even combative conditioning. All course material is based on the SPEAR System®, which is the only combative program that bases its speed, reliability, and intuitiveness on hardwired components within the survival system, this makes it the most reliable and simplest system to learn, the SPEAR System® is absolutely necessary and crucial for close-quarter confidence, and finally, LEO’s, UC, SWAT and soldiers (tasked with 'policing ROE's') have a researched, tactical comprehensive method to penetrate the reactionary gap with total focus on the adversary.

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SPEAR System®: OPERators Course


This is a CQB-specific program that identifies the SPEAR's dynamic tactical applications with full gear/kit during room clearing operations. The SPEAR System® represents the only fully ambidextrous CQC tactic and does not require the operator to slow down or stutter step to line up a kick or strike. The SPEAR System’s Options for the operator are diverse; from addressing threat levels like the classic no-shoot belligerent, to unarmed but still very dangerous assailants, or applications to clear bystanders or even the classic 'Stockholm Syndrome' hostage. Contact evolutions include Point of Domination exercises and IA applications. The program also offers a special phase on solo cuffing applications with full gear. The SPEAR System® is compatible with high-speed transitions from long guns & handguns. The course includes: Personal Close-quarter skills, SPEAR System® basics, standup grappling, ground fighting, weapon control, weapon takeaways, BMF Simulations, and tandem combative strategies.

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Combatives Consultation to include SPEAR System® research to include (but not limited to) advanced instructor development, combat-specific calisthenics, force-on-force scenario design, psychological preparation, warrior mindset, lesson plan development, optimizing 'Human Weapon System' physiological & kinesiological research, SPEAR System® Operator tactics.

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Do you know the difference between a gunfight and a shootout? There’s a big difference. Remember, all fights are dangerous, but the ambush is the most dangerous. Understanding how your startle response can be used during sudden violence is a life-saving skill. Adding this knowledge to your toolbox will make you safer.

This course teaches SPEAR System® applications at extreme close quarters where firearms are engaged by incorporating the counter-ambush principles and startle/flinch conversion drills from the SPEAR System®. This course applies our research on ‘startle-flinch conversion’ to the elements of the gunfight. Open to all active duty, excellent for firearms & DT instructors.

Specific training evolutions include: Drawing from the startle-flinch, Off-balance & off-line tactics, Action & Reaction drills, Retention & protection issues, Re-action off holster jams, Reframes on ‘action vs. reaction’ myths, Drawing from unorthodox positions, Close-quarter skills while protecting your firearm, Transitioning from long guns, Clearing non-combatants and much more…

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Conventional threat assessment SOP’s like creating space, selecting appropriate force options, use of complex motor skills, and control tactics are also ineffective during an ambush or in extreme close-quarters. The sudden attack in ‘Confined Spaces requires a different approach in confined spaces. Based on the SPEAR System® research, the CSC course will introduce DT & combative instructors to the fundamentals of the SPEAR System® as well as demonstrate applications for training and threat management in any confined space: aircraft, busses, boats, cars, elevators, stairwells, jail cells, interview rooms and so on. This is an advanced course for physically fit & focused trainers from the military or law enforcement only. This intensive session will also teach DT & Combatives instructors how to integrate the SPEAR System® tactics to intercept the assailant’s initial attack in confined spaces.

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CERT Teams are beginning to discover the simplicity and efficiency of the SPEAR System® and its applications in the confined space. The program is based on all the current SPEAR research but provides training evolutions and scenarios based on the tactical and technical parameters of the jail or prison environment.

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The first and most important paradigm shift is that this course distinguishes between grappling and ground fighting to give the officer/soldier a stronger edge in a fight that ends up on the ground. Training evolutions include: attack-specific force-on-force training, Tactical Get-up, Weapon protection, ground fighting vs. an armed assailant, unconventional aspects of standup and prone grappling, subject control & cuffing principles.

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Our Weapon Control program is not a basic ‘retention’ course. It is an extreme close-quarter program that goes way past the static ‘grab and pull’ techniques that have been taught for years, weapon retention is only a small part of our curriculum. This innovative course includes gun takeaways, grappling with an armed assailant, grappling while you’re armed, engaging an armed suspect while you’re unarmed, as well as performance enhancement strategies and fear management drills. Also covers defense and control for edged weapons and impact tools.

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Real-life demands that hand-to-hand skills be as sharp as shooting skills. In extreme close-quarters, getting to your weapon may require fighting first. This intense course will give you crucial close-quarter tactics that will allow you to engage suspects with greater confidence. The course covers: subduing the hostile ‘no-shoot’ opponent, weapon control, gun strips and personal weapon protection, ground fighting vs. an armed opponent, and close-quarter tactics with your weapon.

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SPEAR System® Essentials: Strategies and Tactics for De-escalation

This 8-hour course contains the 'Essentials Elements' of the SPEAR System®. It combines crucial elements to enhance officer safety, competence, and confidence during confrontation inside the reactionary gap.  Attendees will receive a certificate upon completion (on top of enhancing your survivability in a real confrontation, this course may be used for CEU, professional development.)

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The Science, Psychology, And Safety Elements Behind Role-Playing Scenario-Based Drills.

All simulation training should be created to effect one goal: greater confidence during real-life dynamic confrontations. The key is in using our ‘replication’ formula and the Ballistic Micro-Fight (BMF) program.

The BMF is the first organized scientific approach to designing realistic scenarios based on real-world encounters. Through the carefully researched and focused examination of the most dangerous moments of an attack, including the verbal and pre-contact cues, students can learn either from replicated scenarios of their own experience or from 'replicating' attacks seen on CCTV or surveillance video.

The program blends innovative research that covers the following:

  1. How to select, design, and create a realistic scenario using real-world incidents.

  2. How to prepare role-players for personal safety and scenario safety while integrating realistic aggressive behavior.

  3. How to stress inoculate students for verbal & physical assault using a gradient process (Emotional Climate Training & Ballistic Micro-Fights)

  4. How to properly use HIGH GEAR® Impact Reduction equipment.

  5. How to properly perform the SPEAR System® ‘Threshold Drill' to help improve safety during training.

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SPEAR System®: Applications for EXECUTIVE Protection

This is an “Executive Protection” specific course that identifies the SPEAR System’s dynamic tactical applications with full gear/kit during close protection operations. The SPEAR System's options for Executive Protection Officers are diverse, from addressing threat levels like the classic no-shoot belligerent, to unarmed but still very dangerous assailants and even applications to clear bystanders. This is a behaviorally based training methodology that allows for faster recognition of threats and an increase in converting reactions into a tactical response.

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SPEAR C.a.r.e.

Comprehensive Aggression Response Education

SPEAR CARE™ is a personal safety and violence prevention training program, specifically designed for care and services professionals who serve people that can present challenging and even violent behaviors.

The course is available for care & service, healthcare professionals, corrections, and others in the community.

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SPEAR Care™: Violent Client Interaction Course

This course is carefully designed to help EMT/Paramedic/Hospital staff handle the problems they face in today's highly charged environment. Our program's focus is to make staff and the patients they serve safer from the call throughout the interaction. By integrating simple and safe natural biomechanics, attendees are safer sooner, and so are those they treat. Participants will learn assessment, de-escalation, and a control system based on how humans move and react to danger emotionally and physically. The Blauer Tactical System approach has a unique capability that enhances the safety of both the staff and the client.

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SPEAR DEFENSE: Personal Defense Readiness Online Trainer Certification

The Blauer Tactical SPEAR Defense is a ‘best in class’ training experience that blends cutting-edge research with a true mission and message. Participants of this course can expect to come away challenged, changed, and motivated to take the skills and drills back to their communities where they can make a real difference with all aspects of confrontation management. Not only will you get insider access to the inner workings of the world’s only behaviorally based self-defense systems, but your education and affiliation will change your ‘value as a professional’. This course will deepen your understanding of fear management and mindset, certify you to bring this material to your community, and teach you cutting-edge formats for scenario-based training. In addition to teaching SPEAR System® demos, the course covers lesson plan development, teaching via Zoom, running live classes, group management, and other aspects to help you as a professional. The course provides training in the ‘intangibles’ that separate average ‘trainers’ from elite ones.

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SPEAR DEFENSE: Evidence-Based Scenario Trainer®

The Evidence-Based Scenario Trainer® course helps individuals and trainers engage in safer, more realistic training scenarios. Based on the SPEAR System®, the only methodology to incorporate the sciences of neurobiology, kinesiology, and psychology, the program reverse-engineers confrontations from actual events by integrating CCTV, dashboard video, and bodycam. The use of real events and real science helps participants learn faster, while also developing a deeper understanding of how the human mind & body move during sudden aggression, which improves confidence.

The final phase of any complete training program is to inject realistic and responsible scenario training. It's the only way to test competence and confidence. Our scenario training formula and method have been integrated into the highest levels within the military and law enforcement communities as well as modern self-defense experts.

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Regardless of your training, background, or system, this instructor-level course will make you more effective by providing the missing link in most self-defense and self-protection programs; realistic, relevant and responsible scenario-based training.

This course is open to any martial artist or self-defense instructor, security professional, or defensive tactics trainer who wants to build further and explore scenario training with their students.

This course provides a proprietary formula to help trainers reverse-engineer almost any type of violent encounter.

Graduating from this course will further differentiate you from other standard self-defense type training, outside of those certified to teach the SPEAR System®.

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Be Your Own Bodyguard®

The ability to protect yourself or a loved one is the single greatest skill you could possess. What if learning how to be your own bodyguard was much easier than you thought? This intensive 1-day course will give you the foundational knowledge to improve your situational awareness, verbal skills and equip you with simple & practical self-defense skills. 

The 'No-nonsense Self-defense' program is called: Be Your Own Bodyguard® and was researched, developed by Coach Tony Blauer, a pioneer of modern self-defense. He has created a system based on physiology and natural biomechanics called SPEAR, it's based on the startle-flinch response, which is part of the human survival reflex. This is an 80,000-year-old DNA hard-wired into our survival system - to say it's stood the test of time is an understatement. What this really means is you already have the key to the system hardwired in you.

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Essentials of Personal Safety Virtual Seminar

Imagine if you knew what bad guys were looking for? Imagine if you understood the 'timeline of a violent encounter'? Armed with this knowledge, you would enhance your situational awareness and have the chance to avoid a confrontation altogether. That's the ultimate goal of this course: to make you and your family safer by avoiding any confrontation.

• Learn the SPEAR System's 'Timeline of Violence'
• What predators are looking for and how to devalue yourself
• How to tap into your 'human weapon system'
• Fundamentals of managing fear using the Cycle of Behavior®

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A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Making Fear Your Fuel.

Based on 4 decades of research, this program will help anyone reframe fear so they can begin to use it productively. The Know Fear® system teaches participants to look at fear counterintuitively and learn to consume it as an organic fuel to feed personal growth and manifest ‘on-demand courage’. This curriculum offers best practices, and easy-to-implement tools and tips for managing fear, equipping you with a simple system to identify fear and turn it into courage. You will learn our infamous acronym that will snap you out of a fear loop instantly, get easy-to-follow guidance on how to stop procrastination and learn tips and strategies to make fear your fuel instead of your enemy.

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Learn to weaponize the startle-flinch (aka SPEAR System®), weather an ambush, control or disarm your threat, transition to your EDC. In this private session for law-abiding citizens, self-defense practitioners, and public safety professionals' attendees will improve their Tactical Awareness, learn to read pre-contact cues, improve Perception Speed and Decrease reaction time. By learning to convert the startle-flinch response into a tactical response and to intercept close-quarter attacks, attendees will learn to apply the SPEAR System's Clear Control Counter method.

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