SPEAR System®: Applications for Control and Arrest — Blauer Spear System

Interest-FREE with AFFIRM for High Gear® Scenario Training Equipment & our SPEAR System® courses!

 SPEAR System®
Applications for Control and Arrest

Course Description

The SPEAR System® Control & Arrest Course

Statistically, sudden violence erupts when police officers penetrate the 'reactionary gap'. This can happen in many environments. One thing is certain, when these attacks are at close range the violence is sudden and often catches the officer off-guard, triggering a startle-flinch, making the SPEAR System® a critical component to the officers’ survival skill set. 

  • Many conventional DT approaches are built around an ‘arrest and control’  where attendees are taught to focus on complex motor skills and hand-cuffing.

  • This type of training actually has a negative effect on situational awareness, making the officer more vulnerable. (This is discussed in detail in the course.)  SOPs before they've actually, and tactically, confirmed the suspect is non-combative.

  • This is very risky because arresting someone you don’t have control of yet is when most attacks occur.

We have reversed the logic and improved the training methodology and named our course: CONTROL & ARREST

This course covers: Startle/Flinch Conversion Theory, Establishing Point of Domination, Control Positions, Solo and Tandem Take-downs, Handcuffing Position and Vehicle Extraction, and many other skills and drills. 

The SPEAR System® is an 'evidence-based' program and will make anyone attending safer, from patrol to SWAT, from Under Cover to Corrections, Court Services, Gang, and so on.  

This course is open to any active duty personnel.


  • Certified SPEAR System® trainers will receive an instructor development diploma. They must be active coaches (within 24 months of their previous SPEAR course.)

  • Active SPEAR System® Trainers can use this course to recertify, extending their certification another 24 months.

  • Review Presumed Compliance 

It is not mandatory to be certified to receive the training but non-SPEAR Certified Attendees will receive a completion diploma.

For over 25 years, the SPEAR System® has been integrated by law enforcement & military professionals around the world. It is street and battle proven and has been validated by professionals in the medical community on three separate continents. Our program has been integrated into law enforcement training at local, state, and federal levels around the world as well.

Resources for Attendees, Graduates & Administrators.

  1. A 5-year study in the UK explains how the SPEAR System® reduces Injuries to the Head by 41%.
    Email ask@blauertactical.com from your government address and we will send you the study.

  2. Medical Reviews of SPEAR System® from USA, Canada & UK click here

  3. ‘Scientific Review of SPEAR’ click here

  4. ‘The Physiology of Survival’ click here

  5. ‘Scope of Technique’ click here

  6. Testimonials from around the world click here

  7. New to SPEAR?  Click here.