SPEAR System®: 

Applications for Close Protection Officers

Course Description 

This is a Close Protection specific course that identifies the SPEAR System’s dynamic tactical applications with full gear/kit during close protection operations. 

The SPEAR System's options for Close Protection Officers are diverse, from addressing threat levels like the classic no-shoot belligerent, to unarmed but still very dangerous assailants and even applications to clear bystanders. 

This is a behaviorally-based training methodology that allows for faster recognition of threats and an increase in converting reactions into a tactical response.

Our system seamlessly integrates with any PST/DT program you’re currently using as your defensive tactics motor skill platform. 

It is compatible with high-speed transitions from unarmed skills to long guns & handguns and represents an evidence-based, scientifically sound, fully ambidextrous close-quarter tactic.

This course will cover:

  • Personal Close Quarter Skills

  • SPEAR System® Basics

  • Early Detection and De-fusing / De-escalation Skills

  • Dynamic Weapon Protection Skills for Close Protection - Clear, Control and Counter Principles

  • Weapon Protection vs Weapon Retention Principles

  • Non-Perishable Skills vs Armed or Unarmed Assailants 

  • Startle-Flinch Drawing


The SPEAR System® is a modern close quarter combatives & personal defense program based on science, psychology, and human biomechanics.

  1. It is not a martial art nor does it replace other martial systems.

  2. We have standardized and simplified close quarter combatives choices and improved potential effectiveness by basing the close-quarter skills on hardwired reflexes and reactions to violence. 

  3. Because its tactics are built upon hard-wired reflexes, the system enhances the defenders' ability to weather, deflect or intercept a sudden close quarter “ambush” against the officer or a protected person.

Resources for Attendees & Administrators.

  1. A 5-year study in the UK explains how the SPEAR System® reduces Injuries to the Head by 41%.
    Email ask@blauertactical.com from your agency address and we will send you the study.

  2. Medical Reviews of SPEAR System® from USA, Canada & UK click here

  3. ‘Scientific Review of SPEAR’ click here

  4. ‘The Physiology of Survival’ click here

  5. ‘Scope of Technique’ click here